Digital Representations I
Computer-aided design has become increasingly popular in recent years, almost completely replacing the previously established methods of architectural representations. Although the new tools provided by current technologies have significantly expanded the possibilities of representation and realization of architecture, there is still skepticism as to whether these new tools can have a realistic relationship with the architectural product and whether they drag architectural proposals to specific directions depending on the capabilities of each digital tool. Therefore, the main challenge of architectural education in this field, is the best possible training and deepening in a specific range of tools, which will be able to unleash creativity and imagination, while refuting the aforementioned skepticism.
The main goal of the course is to provide students with all those supplies in order to be able to cope with all the stages and all the requirements of an architectural project. From the blueprints, diagrams, 3D working models and morphological experimentation, to the creation of a complete series of high quality architectural drawings, which will cover all phases and scales of design.
The course combines lectures, on-site demonstration of design tools, discussions on the philosophy of digital representations, application of all the above to project assignments.